Vive L'Amour (Sada Oneman Choir)
Traditional  : USA
   Arrangement : Alice Paker & Robert Shaw 

     さだ男声合唱団 (さださんが1人で4パート)


Let every good fellow, now join in our song,
Vive la compagnie!

Success to each other, and pass it along,
Vive la compagnie!

 (Repeat chorus)
  Vive la, vive la,Vive l'amour.
  Vive la, vive la,Vive l'amour.
  Vive l'amour, vive l'amour,
  Vive la compagnie!!

Come all you good fellows and join in with me,
And raise up your voices in close harmony.

Should time or occassion, compel us to part
These days shall forever, enliven our heart

Let every old bachelor fill up his glass,
And drink to the health of his favorite lass.

Let every old married man drink to his wife.
The joy of his bosom and confort of life.

Vive:万歳」、la Compagnie:仲間、みんな」、l'amour:愛

         さだ男声合唱団 目次へ